
Maniac (1980)

Directed by William Lustig

Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk, noahphex


A psychotic man, troubled by his childhood abuse, loose in NYC, kills young women and local girl American models and takes their scalps as trophies. Will he find the perfect woman in photographer Anna, and end his killing spree.

Rated NR | Length 88 minutes


Joe Spinell | Caroline Munro | Abigail Clayton | Nelia Bacmeister | Denise Spagnuolo | Billy Spagnuolo | Kelly Piper | Sharon Mitchell | Rita Montone | Hyla Marrow | Tom Savini | Linda Lee Walter | James Brewster | Tracie Evans | Carol Henry | Louis Jawitz | Candace Clements | Diane Spagnuolo | Kim Hudson | Terry Gagnon | Joan Baldwin | Jeni Paz | Janelle Winston | Randy Jurgensen | Jimmy Aurichio | Frank Pesce | Andrew W. Garroni | Taso N. Stavrakis | William Lustig

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/24/2015Movie ScreenFilmTheater0 stars


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