
The Duke of Burgundy (2014)

Directed by Peter Strickland

Romance | Drama | Comedy

Most recently watched by sleestakk, schofizzy, Javitron


Day in and day out, lovers Cynthia and Evelyn enact an elaborate sadomasochistic fantasy as mistress and maid. But as their ritual of domination and submission begins to turn stale, Cynthia yearns for something more conventional, while Evelyn tries to push their taboos even further.

Length 104 minutes


Sidse Babett Knudsen | Chiara D'Anna | Eugenia Caruso | Zita Kraszkó | Monica Swinn | Eszter Tompa | Fatma Mohamed | Kata Bartsch | Gretchen Meddaugh

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/20/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

One of my most anticipated movies of the fest, The Duke of Burgundy is as much a visual feast as Berberian Sound Studio was an audio feast. A film that pays homage to the sexually liberated and visually lush European films of the sixties, Burgundy is really a film about relationships and highlights the mundane in even the most sexually adventurous of them.


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