
Game of Death (1978)

Directed by Robert Clouse

Action | Eastern

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A martial arts movie star must fake his death to find the people who are trying to kill him.

Rated R | Length 101 minutes


Bruce Lee | Gig Young | Dean Jagger | Hugh O'Brian | Colleen Camp | Robert Wall | Mel Novak | Kareem Abdul-Jabbar | Chuck Norris | Dan Inosanto | Billy McGill | Sammo Hung Kam-Bo | Roy Chiao | Tai Chung Kim | James Tien | Casanova Wong | Bolo Yeung | Yuen Biao | Robert Clouse | Warwick Paul Evans | Lam Ching-Ying | Mars | Nora Miao | Andre Morgan | Betty Ting Pei | Yuen Wah | Chung Fat | Stephen Chang | Lau Kar-Wing | Jim James | Austin Wai

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/14/2017Home TheaterDVDRented4 stars

Viewing Notes

Not a good movie and an insult to the legacy of Bruce Lee, who is only featured in the last 20 minutes or so during the final battles.


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