
El Gigante (2014)

Directed by Gigi Saúl Guerrero, Luke Bramley

Horror | Short

Most recently watched by Groovygirl, sleestakk


After attempting to cross the US/Mexico border in search of a better life, Armando awakens in an unknown room, his body broken down and a Lucha Libre mask sewn into his neck.

Length 14 minutes


Edwin Pérez | Luis Javier | Arlina Rodríguez | Alexa Marie

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/28/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

This would be so much better if it were long-form. As a short it has potential but feels mean-spirited and kinda tone deaf.


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