
Bataan (1943)

Directed by Tay Garnett


Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


During Japan’s invasion of the Philippines in 1942, Capt. Henry Lassiter, Sgt. Bill Dane and a diverse group of American soldiers are ordered to destroy and hold a strategic bridge in order to delay the Japanese forces and allow Gen. MacArthur time to secure Bataan. When the Japanese soldiers begin to rebuild the bridge and advance, the group struggles with not only hunger, sickness and gunfire, but also the knowledge that there is likely no relief on the way.

Rated NR | Length 114 minutes


Robert Taylor | George Murphy | Thomas Mitchell | Lloyd Nolan | Lee Bowman | Robert Walker | Desi Arnaz | Barry Nelson | Phillip Terry | Roque Espiritu | Kenneth Spencer | Alex Havier | Tom Dugan | Mary McLeod | Donald Curtis | Phil Schumacher | Bud Geary | Ernie Alexander | Luke Chan | Wing Foo | Beal Wong | Bruce Wong | Tom Yuen | Leigh Sterling

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/27/2012TVBroadcastTV8 stars

Viewing Notes

I kicked off my Memorial Day Weekend movie watching with this unseen gem from Turner Classic Movies. Made during the war, it’s naturally a nationalistic war movie, but I thought it was handled well and the combat scenes in particular were pretty riveting.

I especially liked how the last man standing of the thirteen defenders dug his open grave right next to his machine gun emplacement so that when he was killed he could just fall back into it! Nice touch.


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