
Interzone (1987)

Directed by Deran Sarafian

Action | Adventure | Fantasy

Most recently watched by sensoria


Humans fight mutants in a post-holocaust world.

Length 97 minutes


Bruce Abbott | Beatrice Ring | Teagan Clive | John Armstead | Kiro Wehara | Franco Diogene | Laura Gemser

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/30/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Another expiring title in the Great Netflix Instant Purge of 2013! Started with 70+ titles expiring at midnight (or thereabouts) and started evaluating them to determine which to eliminate and which to watch. This wasn’t a top choice when I began but for an evening closer, it’s kinda what I needed. And really nothing was gonna follow up Blood Games and be close to that greatness.

This was a little worse than I wanted it to be but passable due to Bruce Abbott and his charisma. Even though this really isn’t a good character for him. Out of 90+ minute flick there’s really only 50 minutes worth watching. Easily the worst of the nine films I watched for The Purge but that’s still pretty good.

Hilarious that it was penned by Claudio Fragasso and that Laura Gemser even has a cameo.


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