
Alley Cat (1984)

Directed by Al Valletta, Ed Palmos, Victor M. Ordonez

Thriller | Crime | Action


A skilled martial artist tries to get revenge on the thugs who stole her tires and attacked her grandparents.

Rated R | Length 82 minutes


Karin Mani | Robert Torti | Britt Helfer | Michael Wayne | Jon Greene | Jay Fisher | Claudia Decea | Tim Cutt | Moriah Shannon

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/22/2018TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

80s exploitation that feels more like a made-for-TV movie with nudity. Not great but I give it a nod for Karin Mani, the lead here, bc she’s got spunk and fits the role; she’s good looking but she’s not overly attractive and yet physical for the ass-kicking.

It’s like they used a 70s exploitation template to check all the boxes (rape, drugs, nudity, prison, karate, etc.) but less gritty and grimy. Still very watchable.


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