
Sturgill Simpson Presents Sound & Fury (2019)

Directed by Koji Morimoto, Michael Arias, Junpei Mizusaki, Masaru Matsumoto

Action | Science Fiction | Animation


In this anime visual album, a mysterious driver heads deep into a postapocalyptic hellscape toward a ferocious showdown with two monstrous opponents.

Length 40 minutes


Sturgill Simpson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/03/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Just added to Netflix and billed as “anime” altho it only sorta kinda fits in that category. This is more extended music video for Sturgill Simpson… er, I guess they call this “visual album” whatever. I’m not familiar with Sturgill Simpson or his music but tbh the music was my least favorite thing here. Didn’t hate it but I could do without the twangy blues rock (apparently Simpson is a country music star). For this type of futuristic action thriller done mostly in animation I rather have Perturbator or Gunship or Carpenter Brut or Scandroid or Night Runner or or or or or ... you get the idea. Some kind of pulsating synthwave. Instead it’s this western rock. Hmm no.

Anyways, I like the animation and mixed media styles used in addition to the odd choice to use some live action (I was more intrigued how they did the live action skateboard chapter in Tokyo as it is impossible to find any streets even at 4AM devoid of people so perhaps they blocked off certain streets and/or got permits—RARE—to film. They must’ve for that clip cruising down Asakusa b/c I’m sure that’s not permitted any time).

The video is like a mashup of Fury Road and Afro Samurai with some odd and ends thrown in. I really like the weird revenge story that’s the main narrative. Not sure how the other stuff ties in other than being another song on the album. Definitely would watch again but I may create my own synthwave soundtrack.

HAHAHAHA I was going to mention that it reminds me a lot of the Batman Anime flick but that was too “oh look this westerner that thinks all these anime look alike” but fuck me it’s same goddamn director. Now I hate Sturgill Simpson bc this fuck-o probably watched that Batman Anime and thought “ooh this is really neat! I wanna make a movie like this for my country rock songs! who do I gotta pay???” FUCK YOU

No wonder this looks like FURY ROAD and Afro Samurai mashed up.

FUCK YOU, Sturgill Simpson


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