
Buck and the Preacher (1972)

Directed by Sidney Poitier

Western | Thriller


A wagon master and a con-man preacher help freed slaves dogged by cheap-labor agents out West.

Rated PG | Length 102 minutes


Sidney Poitier | Harry Belafonte | Ruby Dee | Cameron Mitchell | Denny Miller | Nita Talbot | John Kelly | Tony Brubaker | Bobby Johnson | James McEachin | Clarence Muse | Lynn Hamilton | Doug Johnson | Errol John | Kenneth Menard | Pamela Jones | Drake Walker | Dennis Hines | Fred Waugh | Bill Shannon | Phil Adams | Walter Scott | John Howard | Shirleena Manchur | La Markova | Hannelore Richter | Valerie Heckman | Stephanie Lower | Enrique Lucero | Julie Robinson | José Carlos Ruiz | Ron Fletcher | Jerry Gatlin | Ivan Scott | Bill Cook | John Kennedy

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/25/2023Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

Went to CU Boulder for my first IFS movie of the new season. Had this one on my calendar bc it was 35mm. However, when I was checking the showtime I saw that it was a DCP. Since I had already made plans I went plus I really wanted to see this movie, which isn’t to see w/o renting a digital stream.

This falls into that frustrating yet very good movie bucket. Horrible to see how POC have been treated for so long in this country and observe Native Americans in this story knowing they also got massacred by the white man. Cam Mitchell is frighteningly good portraying a villain (and riding a horse!). Almost too good being bad. Hard to watch a lot of this knowing this happened and was likely worse from some of the history I’ve read. Yet cool to see with a decent audience that applauded at the end.

Spoke with Jason who runs IFS now afterwards about the 35mm thing. Apparently this particular studio pulled most of the 35 prints from them after the program was scheduled. Really shitty! We both shared our unhappiness about not being able to see HEAVY METAL on 35, a movie made for that format.


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