
Paprika (2006)

Directed by Satoshi Kon

Animation | Science Fiction | Mystery

Most recently watched by sensoria, danhnguyen


When a machine that allows therapists to enter their patient’s dreams is stolen, all hell breaks loose. Only a young female therapist can stop it and recover it before damage is done: Paprika.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Megumi Hayashibara | Toru Emori | Katsunosuke Hori | Tōru Furuya | Akio Otsuka | Kouichi Yamadera | Hideyuki Tanaka | Satoshi Kon | Yasutaka Tsutsui | Satomi Kourogi | Rikako Aikawa | Shinya Fukumatsu | Kumiko Izumi | Eiji Miyashita | Mitsuo Iwata | Shinichiro Ohta | Akiko Kawase | Anri Katsu | Kozo Mito | Keiichiro Endo | Katsunori Kobayashi | Hiroshi Mizuguchi | Yuu Asano | Masayori Hayashi | Masami Takayama | Yoko Yabe | Asami Anami | Miho Homma | Seiko Ueda | Daisuke Sakaguchi

Viewing History (seen 4 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/15/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned9 stars
10/04/2022Movie ScreenFilmTheater9.5 stars
01/09/2009TVDVDLibrary8 stars
06/21/2007Movie ScreenFilmTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

Another film I remember quite well going to which is strange considering I was so exhausted and later went to see Rasputina w/Shannon afterwards (I think it was Raspy or maybe Melt Banana?). Anyways, I love this movie and would love to see it on the big screen again. I dig the mystery and imagery so much.


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