
Saints and Soldiers (2003)

Directed by Ryan Little


Most recently watched by sensoria


Five American soldiers fighting in Europe during World War II struggle to return to Allied territory after being separated from U.S. forces during the historic Malmedy Massacre.

Rated PG-13 | Length 90 minutes


Corbin Allred | Alexander Polinsky | Kirby Heyborne | Larry Bagby | Peter Holden | Ethan Vincent | Melinda Renee | Ruby Chase O'Neil | Jeff Birk | Benjamin Gourley | Tane Williams | Randy Beard | Curt Dousett | Michael Buster | M. Casey Reeves | Chris Clark | Christian Lee | Christian Malzl | Philip Malzl | Dawn Graham | Julie Graham | Addy Meldrum | Matthew Meldrum | McKay Meldrum | Kelly Moyle | Lincoln Hoppe | Kelly Klindt | Jason Allred | Joel Bishop | Michael Tanner | Gavin Bentley | Chris Kendrick | Spencer Funk | Sterling Funk | Bill Ferguson | Richard J. Clifford | Aaron Moffett | David Jones | John Lewis | Nick Stentzel | Aaron Volesky | David Murphy | John Robert | Oliver Burt | Adam McGrath | David Swansen | Jonathan Craddock | Paul Dixon | Adam White | David Wright | Jordan Smith | Peter Maurer | Alan Firestone | Dean Byrne | Joseph Reed | Phillip Bryant | Allen Vilkrey | D.J. Shaw | Justin Kramer | Crit Killen | Anson Gessel | Don Cygan | Keith Lawson | Reise House | Armando Altheman | Doug Bayless | Roger Hampel | Kerry Schallon | Rhett Panos | Benjamin Traver | Douglas Britton | Kevin Johnson | Rob Noble | Bill Hutchinson | Flint Barber | Kristopher Carpenter | Brad Hammond | Garrett Carter | Kurt Kroeck | Ryan Fink | Brendan Booth | Gary Paskiang | Kyle Bath | Ryan Sager | Brent Cheney | Gary Sokol | Lance Jensen | Ryan Templeman | Brent Hale | Geoffrey Panos | Lance Otto | Sabas Parada | Brent Parks | Hardy Cherry | Mark S. Fordham | Sam Hunter | Brent Taylor | Howard Wright | Mark Hoffman | Scott Adams | Brian Jensen | Ian Willard | Mark Thomas | Scott Baird | Bruce Morgan | Jacon Hart | Marshall Matthews | Scott Westwood | Byron Ferguson | Jake Watters | Martin Boganowski | Scott Wiscombe | Caleb Douglas | James McDonald | Martin Gajkowski | Sean Cowger | Cameron Ferre | James McDonnell | Matt Jarman | Sebastian | Chaz Willnaver | Jason Davis | Matthew Gerom | Shane Van Linn | Chester Barber | Jason Smith | Maxim Derhak | Steve Black | Chris Davenport | Jeff Brown | Micah Bishop | Steve Effler | Corey Clyne | Jeff Quirin | Michael Birkland | Steve Fordham | Cortland Johnson | Jeff Wheeler | Michael Dunn | Steve Myers | Dallas Shaw | Jesse Ferguson | Michael Hede | Tarl Lambson | Daniel Rawson | Jesse Hafen | Micheal Cryer | Thomas P. O'Brien | David Banner | Jim Gould | Micheal Loveland | Todd Bellmyer | David Dodoridge | Jim Polatty | Mike Embry | Tony Short | David Effler | John Hooper | Mike Wood | Travis Nutley | David Hunter | John Johnson | Neal Vickrey | Trenton James

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/11/2011ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

The most surprising films can sometimes come out of small budgets. SAINTS & SOLDIERS was made for around $750,000 and feels much more expensive.

While it’s not the best war film I’ve ever seen and isn’t innovative, it’s far better than a lot of big budget flicks that make it to theaters and could’ve made a decent run. The director and writers do a superb job in focusing in on a small part of World War II, even if there aren’t a lot of surprises buried there. Over all there’s just not much to complain about, but there’s also nothing that grabbed me and demand I see it again.

SAINTS AND SOLDIERS is a fine example of a deft financial hand while telling a solid story; most Hollywood filmmakers could learn from that.


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