
The Spiral (1998)

Directed by George Iida

Horror | Drama

Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk


A young pathologist seeks answers to the mysterious death of a friend and soon comes into contact with the same cursed videotape that caused the death of the friend’s wife and son, which is haunted by the curse of Sadako, a relentless spirit.

Rated NR | Length 97 minutes


Koichi Sato | Miki Nakatani | Hinako Saeki | Shingo Tsurumi | Shigemitsu Ogi | Yutaka Matsushige | Daisuke Ban | Naoaki Manabe | Naoto Adachi | Eri Kakurai | Ryûichi Sugahara | Masanobu Yada | Ryûma Uchida | Kôzô Satô | Tomohiro Okada | Suguru Kamioki | Yoshiyuki Tanno | Hiroyuki Sanada | Hiroshi Shimizu | Nanako Matsushima

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/28/2017TVDigitalOwned2.5 stars
07/08/2012TVOtherTV3.5 stars


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