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Average Rating: 6/10

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The Demon's Baby (1998)

Directed by Kant Leung

Most recently watched by sensoria


Many years ago, five evil spirits were trapped inside ornate jars to protect humanity from destruction. When a power-hungry general raids the secret chamber that hides the jars, he finds his five concubines have become impregnated with evil fetuses, hungry for human flesh. Its up to the palace cooks and a slacker Taoist priest to stop them before they destroy the world.

Length 85 minutes


Emotion Cheung | Annie Wu | Elvis Tsui | Anthony Wong | Lee Siu-Kei | Ronald Wong Ban | Ching Mai | Li Tai-Li | Wang Min | Ben Ko Chu | Wu Hua | Lai Xuan-Ni | Shen Ting | Wang Yi-Shih