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Average Rating: 7.5/10

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Cub (2014)

Directed by Jonas Govaerts

Most recently watched by sleestakk, archstanton43, sensoria, Angjonesy


Over-imaginative 12 year-old Sam heads off to the woods to summer scout camp with his pack convinced that he will encounter a monster…

Rated PG-13 | Length 85 minutes


Maurice Luijten | Evelien Bosmans | Gill Eeckelaert | Jan Hammenecker | Titus De Voogdt | Stef Aerts | Noa Tambwe Kabati | Ricko Otto | Louis Lemmens | Thomas De Smet | Pieter De Brabandere | Ymanol Perset | Jessie Tweepenninckx | Isah De Zutter | Hauke Geirnaert | Ebe Meynckens | Nabil Missoumi | Jean-Michel Balthazar