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Average Rating: 5.5/10

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All the Old Knives (2022)

Directed by Janus Metz Pedersen

Most recently watched by sleestakk


When the CIA discovers one of its agents leaked information that cost more than 100 people their lives, veteran operative Henry Pelham is assigned to root out the mole with his former lover and colleague Celia Harrison.

Rated R | Length 101 minutes


Chris Pine | Thandie Newton | Jonathan Pryce | Laurence Fishburne | Corey Johnson | Jonjo O'Neill | Ahd | David Dawson | Nasser Memarzia | Orli Shuka | Gala Gordon | Michael Shaeffer | David Bedella | Alexander Devrient | Derek Siow | Anna Jones | Abdul Alshareef | Joshua Lacey | Karina Wiedman | Faton Gerbeshi | Cali Gayle | Oscar Coleman | Moe Idris | Abdi-Fatah Ali | Goksin Erdemli | Kasia Madera | Dar Dash | David Appleton | Barbara Appleton | Todd Kramer | Angela Yeoh | Colin Stinton | Adrian Tauss