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Average Rating: 5/10

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Ardennes Fury (2014)

Directed by Joseph J. Lawson

Most recently watched by ashe5k


As the Battle of the Bulge rages on, an American tank unit gets trapped behind Nazi lines. With just hours before the bombs of Operation Ardennes Fury fall, the tank’s commander makes the risky decision to rescue an orphanage.

Length 87 minutes


Tom Stedham | Bill Voorhees | Tino Struckmann | Larry Gamell Jr. | Lauren Vera | Yaron Urbas | Analiese Anderson | Trey Hough | Elvin Manges | Kyle Golden | Eric C. Schmitz | Jenna Klug | Carl J. Klug | Colleen Sinor | James Poule | Steve Effler | Frank Arend | Savannah Kiefer