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The Week of the Killer (1972)

Directed by Eloy de la Iglesia

Most recently watched by sensoria


A young man, Marco, working as a butcher, accidentally kills a taxi driver. His girlfriend Paula wants to go to the police so he has to kill her too. He then has to kill his brother, his brother’s fiancée and his father, who have become suspicious. He gets rid of the bodies by taking them to a slaughter house.

Rated R | Length 98 minutes


Vicente Parra | Emma Cohen | Eusebio Poncela | Lola Herrera | Vicky Lagos | Ismael Merlo | Fernando Sánchez Polack | Charly Bravo | Rafael Hernández | Goyo Lebrero | Valentín Tornos | José Franco | Antonio Orengo | Antonio del Real | Inés Morales | Antonio Corencia | José Félix Montoya | Ángel Blanco | Manuel Calvo | Emilio Hortela | Paca Gabaldón