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Average Rating: 7/10

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Tess of the Storm Country (1922)

Directed by John S. Robertson

Most recently watched by sensoria


Wealthy Elias Graves builds his home on the top of a hill, where a group of squatters have taken up residence at the bottom. Many of the men in the squatters’ village have their eyes on young Tess, and one of them, Ben Letts, frames Tess’s father for murder. While maintaining her father’s innocence, Tess must keep her love for Graves’ son a secret, while caring for Elias’ daughter’s illegitamate child.

Rated NR | Length 118 minutes


Lloyd Hughes | Jean Hersholt | David Torrence | Milton Berle | Mavis Villiers | Mary Pickford | Jeanne Carpenter | Forrest Robinson | Gloria Hope | Gus Saville | Danny Hoy | Robert Russell | Madame De Bodamere | Maxine Tabnac