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Average Rating: 7.5/10

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Burning (2018)

Directed by Lee Chang-dong

Most recently watched by sensoria


An aspiring writer goes to the airport to pick up a high school friend returning from a trip to Africa but is disheartened to see her with another man.

Rated R | Length 148 minutes


Yoo Ah-in | Steven Yeun | Jun Jong-seo | Kim Soo-kyung | Choi Seung-ho | Moon Sung-keun | Min Bok-gi | Ban Hye-ra | Cha Mi-Kyung | Lee Bong-ryeon | Jang Won-hyeong | Jeon Seok-chan | Lee Joong-ok | Ok Ja-Yeon | Kim Shin-rok | Song Duk-ho | Jeong Da-yi