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Average Rating: 6/10

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Karate for Life (1977)

Directed by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi

Most recently watched by sensoria


The last of the Masutatsu Oyama trilogy. Oyama takes a job as a professional wrestler in Okinawa, but when he discovers that he is expected to take a dive, he quits in disgust. However, when a friend finds herself in desperate need of medical supplies, Oyama steps back in the ring to raise the money—but will he be able to follow the script this time?

Length 91 minutes


Sonny Chiba | Hideo Murota | Masaru Shiga | Masashi Ishibashi | Yôko Natsuki | Hiroshi Nawa | Asao Uchida | Kojiro Hongo | Takashi Hio | Hiroshi Kondô | Hirohisa Nakata | Toshiyuki Tsuchiyama