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Average Rating: 7/10

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Day of the Warrior (1996)

Directed by Andy Sidaris

Most recently watched by noahphex


The Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law (L.E.T.H.A.L.), is tracking a criminal mastermind known only as The Warrior. While investigating his combination diamond smuggling/art theft/porn production industry, the agents discover that he has cracked their secret database and has stolen the files on all of their agents. With the help of their martial arts intructor Fu, agents Tiger, Willow and Cobra take on the case while also taking every opportunity to remove their bikini tops.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Shae Marks | Julie Strain | Julie K. Smith | Cristian Letelier | Raye Hollitt | Marcus Alexander Bagwell | Rodrigo Obregón | Justin Melvey | Gerald Okamura | Kevin Light | Richard Cansino | Cassidy Phillips | Tammy Parks | Darren Wise | Ted Prior | Carolyn Liu | Kevin Eastman | Christiva Turner