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Average Rating: 8/10

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Experiment in Terror (1962)

Directed by Blake Edwards

Most recently watched by sleestakk, AllAboutSteve, zombiefreak


A man with an asthmatic voice telephones and assaults clerk Kelly Sherwood at home and coerces her into helping him steal a large sum from her bank.

Length 123 minutes


Glenn Ford | Lee Remick | Stefanie Powers | Roy Poole | Ned Glass | Anita Loo | Patricia Huston | Gilbert Green | Clifton James | Al Avalon | William Bryant | Dick Crockett | James Lanphier | Ross Martin | Joanne Bahris | James T. Callahan | Bob Carraher | Mario Cimino | Fred Coby | Barbara Collentine | George DeNormand | Frederic Downs | Don Drysdale | Harvey Evans | Dennis Falt | Harold Goodwin | Claire Griswold | Warren Hsieh | Judee Morton | Helen Jay