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Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on The Exorcist (2023)

Directed by Alexandre O. Philippe


A lyrical and spiritual cinematic essay on The Exorcist, the last film of Alexandre O. Philippe explores the uncharted depths of William Friedkin’s mind’s eye, the nuances of his filmmaking process, and the mysteries of faith and fate that have shaped his life and filmography.

Length 105 minutes


William Friedkin | Ellen Burstyn | Linda Blair | Jason Miller | Max von Sydow | Lee J. Cobb | Jack MacGowran | William O'Malley | William Peter Blatty | Vasiliki Maliaros | Hikaru Baba | Yuka Niwa | Dick Smith | Roy Scheider | Alexandre O. Philippe | Bernard Herrmann | Mercedes McCambridge | Kitty Winn | Vincent Russell | Eileen Dietz | Fidel Castro | Adolf Hitler