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Batman: Knightfall (2022)

Directed by Ganesh Karumuri


Batman: Knightfall is not affiliated with WB or DC in any manner. Batman: Knightfall is a Realistic CGI non-commercial fan-film being made by The Glorious Pictures only. It’ll be officially released on YouTube when the production is done. It can be watched for free once it’s released.

Rated R | Length 135 minutes


Ganesh Karumuri | Tom Arcaro | Mike Prater | Jon Harris | Molly Conlin | Taylor Neil | Evan Maiorini | Alexander Haynes Jr | Creativ Liz | Carl Langley | Matt Kad | Kellen McDowell | Edward Pine | Leah Smith | Sungwan Cho | David Hock | Aeric Azana | Ethan Patrick Horton | Burke Arnold