
The Worst Person in the World (2021)

Directed by Joachim Trier

Comedy | Drama


The chronicles of four years in the life of Julie, a young woman who navigates the troubled waters of her love life and struggles to find her career path, leading her to take a realistic look at who she really is.

Rated R | Length 128 minutes


Renate Reinsve | Anders Danielsen Lie | Herbert Nordrum | Hans Olav Brenner | Helene Bjørnebye | Vidar Sandem | Maria Grazia Di Meo | Lasse Gretland | Karen Røise Kielland | Marianne Krogh | Thea Stabell | Deniz Kaya | Eia Skjønsberg | Ruby Dagnall | Torgny Amdam | Rebekka Jynge | Sigrid Sollund | Are Skeie Hermansen | Siri Forberg | Sofia Schandy Bloch | Anna Dworak | Savannah Marie Schei | August Wilhelm Méd Brenner | Karla Nitteberg Aspelin | Tumi Løvik Jakobson | Jonathan Nielssen | Maren Emilie Haagenrud Buskoven | Olav Stubberud | Martin Gran | Geir Ørnholt | Tobias Klemeyer Smith | Nataniel Nordnes | Trygve Indrelid | Trude Schjelderup Iversen | Zoe Maland Rogers | Jonas Lund | Hildur Kristinsdottir | Johanna Brym Ryg | Thomas Teige | Margrethe Glambek | Ine Jansen | Gisle Tveito

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/01/2022TVStreamingTV7.5 stars


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