
Spencer (2021)

Directed by Pablo Larraín

Drama | Biography

Most recently watched by CaptainBigTime, lordofthemovies


During her Christmas holidays with the royal family at the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, England, Diana decides to leave her marriage to Prince Charles.

Rated R | Length 117 minutes


Kristen Stewart | Timothy Spall | Jack Nielen | Freddie Spry | Jack Farthing | Sean Harris | Stella Gonet | Richard Sammel | Elizabeth Berrington | Lore Stefanek | Amy Manson | Sally Hawkins | James Harkness | Laura Benson | Wendy Patterson | Libby Rodliffe | John Keogh | Marianne Graffam | Ben Plunkett-Reynolds | Ryan Wichert | Michael Epp | Tom Hudson | James Gerard | Thomas Douglas | Ian Ashpitel | Emma Darwall Smith | Kimia Schmidt | Greta Bücker | Henry Castello | Christin Schreiber | Camille Loup Moltzen | Mudassar Dar | Niklas Kohrt | Peter Lee | Olga Hellsing | Matthias Wolkowski | Oriana Gordon | Sami Amber

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/01/2022TVStreamingTV7 stars


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