
Roaring 20's (2021)

Directed by Elisabeth Vogler



A few hours in Paris, one summer evening in 2020. The camera follows one passer-by then the other, traveling through the streets of the city and multiplying curious encounters: eccentric young people, original characters and nonconformists. During a single uninterrupted shot, the camera links the characters together through the same city, and the same time in crisis that each one goes through and questions in their own way.

Length 85 minutes


Joris Avodo | Margaux Bonin | François de Brauer | Alice de Lencquesaing | Mehdi Djaadi | Aurore Déon | Zoé Fauconnet | Elsa Guedj | Adil Laboudi | François Mark | Guillaume Pottier | Lila Poulet-Berenfeld | Léo Poulet | François Rollin | Elie Salleron | Fanny Santer | Paul Scarfoglio | Noémie Schmidt | Vladimir Seguin | Manuel Severi | Elise Tilloloy | Jean Thevenin | Lilou Guillot

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/11/2021Movie ScreenFilmTheater6 stars


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