
The Graduate (1967)

Directed by Mike Nichols

Comedy | Drama

Most recently watched by floydrmd, sensoria, lordofthemovies, eduardovictory, themarc, GMOM65


Benjamin, a recent college graduate very worried about his future, finds himself in a love triangle with an older woman and her daughter.

Rated PG | Length 106 minutes


Anne Bancroft | Dustin Hoffman | Katharine Ross | Murray Hamilton | William Daniels | Elizabeth Wilson | Buck Henry | Brian Avery | Walter Brooke | Norman Fell | Alice Ghostley | Marion Lorne | Eddra Gale | Frank Baker | George Bruggeman | Garrett Cassell | Buddy Douglas | Richard Dreyfuss | Bob Eubanks | Mike Farrell | Bob Folkerson | Elisabeth Fraser | Donald F. Glut | Laurence Haddon | Harry Holcombe | Jonathan Hole | Robert P. Lieb | Elaine May | Eve McVeagh | Lainie Miller | Ben Murphy | Stuart Nisbet | William H. O'Brien | Sam O'Steen | Robert Perry | Noam Pitlik | Anthony Redondo | Clark Ross | Bernard Sell | Wayne Stam | Hal Taggart | Tim Taylor | Kevin Tighe | Arthur Tovey | Eleanore Vogel | Wally West | David Westberg | Jay Dee Witney | Maris Wrixon

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/26/2024TVStreamingTV8 stars


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