
Living Skeleton (1968)

Directed by Hiroshi Matsuno


Most recently watched by sleestakk


A ship is attacked at sea for its cargo by a group of thieves who murder a newlywed doctor and rape his wife. Three years later her twin sister is kidnapped by the same pirates, who begin to die strange deaths…

Length 81 minutes


Kikko Matsuoka | Yasunori Irikawa | Masumi Okada | Asao Uchida | Asao Koike | Norihiko Yamamoto | Keijiro Kikyo | Hitoshi Takagi | Kaori Taniguchi | Keiko Yanagawa | Kazuo Mayumida | Minoru Hirano | Kaitan Uchida | Michiko Takebe | Nobuo Kaneko | Kô Nishimura

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/27/2020TVStreamingTV6 stars


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