
What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael (2019)

Directed by Rob Garver

Documentary | Biography


Pauline Kael (1919–2001) was undoubtedly one of the greatest names in film criticism. A Californian native, she wrote her first review in 1953 and joined ‘The New Yorker’ in 1968. Praised for her highly opinionated and feisty writing style and criticised for her subjective and sometimes ruthless reviews, Kael’s writing was refreshingly and intensely rooted in her experience of watching a film as a member of the audience. Loved and hated in equal measure – loved by other critics for whom she was immensely influential, and hated by filmmakers whose films she trashed - Kael destroyed films that have since become classics such as The Sound of Music and raved about others such as Bonnie and Clyde. She was also aware of the perennial difficulties for women working in the movies and in film criticism, and fiercely fought sexism, both in her reviews and in her media appearances.

Length 98 minutes


Pauline Kael | Sarah Jessica Parker | Quentin Tarantino | David O. Russell | Alec Baldwin | Francis Ford Coppola | Paul Schrader | John Boorman | Robert Towne | Joe Morgenstern | James Wolcott | Gina James | William Whitworth | Marcia Nasatir | Christopher Durang | John Guare | Carol Baum | Tom Pollock | Molly Haskell | David V. Picker | David M. Edelstien | George Malko | Stephanie Zacharek | Greil Marcus | Craig Seligman | Michael Sragow | Brian Kellow | Carrie Rickey | Daryl Chin | Philip Lopate | Lili Anolik | Daniel Menaker | Jaime Manrique | Camille Paglia | Laurence McGilvery | Ortun Neisar | Chester Villalba | Dirk van Nouhays | Woody Allen | William Peter Blatty | Peter Bogdanovich | Dick Cavett | Joel F. Haberli | Jerry Lewis | Norman Mailer

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/19/2024TVStreamingTV7 stars

Viewing Notes

A pretty good documentary, presenting both her good and bad sides.  I loved reading her reviews back in the day.  Whether you agreed with her or not, she had a way of getting to the essence of a film.


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