
Paper Moon (1973)

Directed by Peter Bogdanovich

Comedy | Crime

Most recently watched by sleestakk, philipjablon, themarc, krazykat


A bible salesman finds himself saddled with a young girl who may or may not be his daughter, and the two forge an unlikely partnership as a money-making con team in Depression-era Kansas.

Rated PG | Length 102 minutes


Tatum O'Neal | Ryan O'Neal | Madeline Kahn | John Hillerman | Jessie Lee Fulton | Noble Willingham | Randy Quaid | P.J. Johnson | James N. Harrell | Burton Gilliam | Hugh Gillin | Desmond Dhooge | Art Ellison | Lila Waters | Bob Young | Jack Saunders | Jody Wilbur | Liz Ross | Yvonne Harrison | Ed Reed | Dorothy Price | Eleanor Bogart | Dorothy Forster | Lana Daniel | Herschel Morris | Dejah Moore | Ralph Coder | Harriet Ketchum | Kenneth Hughes | George Lillie | Floyd Mahaney | Gilbert Milton | Tandy Arnold | Dennis Beden | Vernon Schwanke | Rose-Mary Rumbley

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/19/2024TVStreamingTV9 stars
04/05/2024TVStreamingTV8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

I can never resist watching this whenever I see it pop up on TMC.  One of the best movies of the 1970s.  Hilariously funny.  The whole cast is fantastic.  I just love the glorious b&w cinematography and the re-creation of the 1930s midwest.


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