
The Creeping Flesh (1973)

Directed by Freddie Francis

Horror | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A scientist comes to believe that evil is a disease of the blood and that the flesh of a skeleton he has brought back from New Guinea contains it in a pure form. Convinced that his wife, a Folies Bergere dancer who went insane, manifested this evil, he is terrified that it will be passed on to their daughter. He tries to use the skeleton’s blood to immunise her against this eventuality, but his attempt has anything but the desired result.

Rated PG | Length 92 minutes


Peter Cushing | Lorna Heilbron | Christopher Lee | George Benson | Catherine Finn | Hedger Wallace | Duncan Lamont | Kenneth J. Warren | Larry Taylor | Harry Locke | Robert Swann | Jenny Runacre | David Bailie | Michael Ripper | Alexandra Dane | Marianne Stone | Tony Wright | Dan Meaden | Maurice Bush | Martin Carroll

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/13/2017TVStreamingTV6 stars


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