
Above Suspicion (1943)

Directed by Richard Thorpe

Adventure | Thriller


Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe.

Rated NR | Length 90 minutes


Joan Crawford | Fred MacMurray | Conrad Veidt | Basil Rathbone | Reginald Owen | Richard Ainley | Cecil Cunningham | Ann Shoemaker | Sara Haden | Felix Bressart | Bruce Lester | Johanna Hofer | Lotte Palfi Andor | George Aldwin | Edit Angold | Frank Arnold | Felix Basch | Frederick Bauer | Eumenio Blanco | Walter Bonn | Sven Hugo Borg | Nina Borget | Matthew Boulton | Helen Boyce | Frank Brand | Egon Brecher | Anthony Caruso | André Charlot | Sonia Charsky | Jack Chefe | Yvonne Chenal | Michael Chudley | Marcelle Corday | Jules Cowles | Julius Cramer | Antonio D'Amore | Albert D'Arno | Jacob Dance | Seraphime Davidoff | George Davis | William 'Wee Willie' Davis | Charles De Ravenne | Ray De Ravenne | Joseph DeVillard | Ludwig Donath | Arthur Dulac | Gretl Dupont | Hans Fuerberg | Steven Geray | Frederick Giermann | George Glagori | Henry Glynn | Albert Godderis | Lisa Golm | Henry Guttman | Barry Heenan | Harold Hensen | Isabel La Mal | Frank Lackteen | Peter Lawford | David Lennox | Adolf E. Licho | Eily Malyon | Sam McCullough | Frank McLure | Chris Marie Meeker | Edwin Mills | Sandra Morgan | Steven Muller | Clive Murdock | Kurt Neumann | Barry Norton | Cliffe Oland | Alex Papana | Manuel París | Albert Petit | Nita Pike | Jean Prescott | Horace Pressel | Frank Reicher | Otto Reichow | John Rice | Lionel Royce | Ferdinand Schumann-Heink | Hans Schumm | Peter Seal | Irene Seidner | Arthur Shields | Ivan F. Simpson | Walter O. Stahl | Robert R. Stephenson | Ludwig Stössel | Heather Thatcher | Albano Valerio | Lisl Valetti | John Van Eyck | Philip Van Zandt | Nicholas Vehr | Ernö Verebes | Henry Victor | Hans von Morhart | Leonard Walker | Paul Weigel | Gisela Werbisek | Max Willenz | Rex Williams | Hans Wollenberger | William Yetter Sr.

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/30/2024TVStreamingTV6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

A good comedy-drama thriller that would have been right up Hitchcock’s alley.  An innocent couple getting involved in world-changing events.  There’s even a shooting at a concert, timed to the music, that’s straight out of The Man Who Knew Too Much.


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