
Film Is Dead. Long Live Film! (2024)

Directed by Peter Flynn



A lively and loving tribute to the private film collector, a celebration of the fetishistic subculture of pre-video movie-love, and a timely reminder of the glories of analog film.

Length 102 minutes


Lou DiCrescenzo | Stu Fink | Bob Furmanek | Jack Theakston | Helge Bernhardt | Ray Faiola | Stan Taffel

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/19/2024TVStreamingTV7 stars

Viewing Notes

Ironic that these film collectors were prosecuted by the studios in the 1970’s and 1980’s for “piracy”, but are now being sought out by the very same studios for help in locating hard-to-find titles, ones that the studios did a poor job of preserving.


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