
To Joy (1950)

Directed by Ingmar Bergman

Drama | Music


After learning that his wife has been killed in an accident, a violinist looks back on their relationship.

Length 98 minutes


Maj-Britt Nilsson | Stig Olin | Birger Malmsten | John Ekman | Margit Carlqvist | Victor Sjöström | Sif Ruud | Erland Josephson | Ernst Brunman | Georg Skarstedt | Svea Holst | Ingmar Bergman | Tor Borong | Astrid Bodin | Agda Helin | Carin Swensson | Allan Ekelund | Maud Hyttenberg | Berit Holmström | Eva Fritz-Nilsson | Björn Montin | Staffan Axelsson | Marianne Schüler | Marrit Ohlsson | Rune Stylander | Gunnar Rystedt | Svea Holm

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/07/2025TVBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

A tragic death is revealed at the beginning and the rest of the film is an extended flashback. It’s a good film. Bergman examines a relationship from beginning to end, with all its ups and downs.


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