
This Is America (1977)

Directed by Romano Vanderbes


Most recently watched by philipjablon, zombiefreak, Javitron


Inspired by shock-documentaries like Mondo Cane, this film looks at the wilder side of life in America. Starting off with the bloodier side of the American car culture by showing a series of crashes at race events, the film then goes on to lesser-known sexual practices. Included among these is a porno movie award show, a nude beauty contest, a sex therapy session, and a detailed explanation of where dildos come from.

Rated R | Length 97 minutes


Norman Rose | Anibal O. Lleras | Fanne Foxe | Ulli Lommel | Don Imus | Ron Jeremy | Holly Woodlawn | Arnold Schwarzenegger

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/10/2013TVVHSTV4.5 stars


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