Movies logged in September, 2014Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The | Francis Lawrence | 2013 | 09/13/2014 |
Paranormal Activity 4 | Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman | 2012 | 09/13/2014 |
Tusk | Kevin Smith | 2014 | 09/18/2014 |
ABCs of Death 2 | Vincenzo Natali, Larry Fessenden, Todd Rohal, Julian Gilbey, Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury, E.L. Katz, Dennison Ramalho, Julian Barratt, Bill Plympton, Robert Morgan, Marvin Kren, Juan Martínez Moreno, Alejandro Brugués, Navot Papushado, Aharon Keshales, Jen Soska, Sylvia Soska, Sôichi Umezawa, Rodney Ascher, Kristina Buožytė, Chris Nash, Jerome Sable, Hajime Ohata, Steven Kostanski, Erik Matti, Bruno Samper, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen, Wolfgang Matzl, Robert Boocheck, Jim Hosking | 2014 | 09/18/2014 |
Cub | Jonas Govaerts | 2014 | 09/18/2014 |
Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films | Mark Hartley | 2014 | 09/19/2014 |
Hive, The | David Yarovesky | 2015 | 09/19/2014 |
Free Fall | György Pálfi | 2014 | 09/19/2014 |
V/H/S: Viral | Marcel Sarmiento, Nacho Vigalondo, Gregg Bishop, Aaron Moorhead, Todd Lincoln, Justin Benson | 2014 | 09/19/2014 |
My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn | Liv Corfixen | 2015 | 09/20/2014 |