
California Hot Wax (1992)

Directed by Jan Marlyn Reesman



Three Southern Californian woman lose their successful business to their evil landlord. They team up with a handsome hunk to start a competitive car wash, using scantily-clad girls and guys to lure in customers. The ensuing rivalry leads to various antics by the old landlord to put them out of business

Length 89 minutes


Gloria Nelson | Jody Bradley | Robin Jameson | Augusta Lee | Tess Martinelli | Butch Hartman | Sharon Kane | Mark Richardson | Carol Cummings | Elizabeth Young | Carla Morrell | Carmen Morrell | Jacqueline Jade | Sandra Wild | Darlene Sellers | Susan E. Cox

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/24/2013TVVHSOwned2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Fairly amusing bikini car wash pick has an inordinate amount of carwashing set to bad music. Some entertaining secondary characters make this watchable.


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