
Animal Protector (1988)

Directed by Mats Helge


Most recently watched by noahphex


Swedish animal rights action film. Also known as “Born to Kill”.

Length 96 minutes


David Carradine | A.R. Hellquist | Camilla Lundén | Mats Huddén | Timothy Earle | Frederick Offrein | Eva Ostrom | Eva Anderson | Bo F. Munthe | Ramon Sylvan | Mats Helge | Lars Lundgren | Bruno Wintzell | Bruno Arvidson | Stefan Kumberg | Hans Aronson | Annika Soneby | Heinz Fritsche | Per-Erik Österlund | Anders Nilsson | Lillan Ellgren | Christer Hultengren | Gunilla Johanson | Christer Nilsson | Mikael Andersson | Lars Soneby | Magnus Cederblad

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/09/2013TVVHSBorrowed2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

A mess of a plot sees an all-female mercenary group called the Animal Protectors infiltrating some island where a totally disinterested David Carradine and experimenting on animals. The problem is, though, the Animal Protectors are completely ineffectual, doing little to help, frequently getting infected with bullets and running into some other 3rd party group that is there doing something or other. A few good actions moments but mostly a lot of running through hallways.


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