
Return to Oz (1985)

Directed by Walter Murch

Family | Fantasy | Adventure

Most recently watched by sleestakk, archstanton43, lolareels


Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, finds herself back in the land of her dreams, and makes delightful new friends, and dangerous new enemies.

Rated PG | Length 109 minutes


Fairuza Balk | Nicol Williamson | Jean Marsh | Piper Laurie | Matt Clark | Michael Sundin | Tim Rose | Sean Barrett | Mak Wilson | Denise Bryer | Brian Henson | Stewart Harvey-Wilson | Lyle Conway | Stephen Norrington | Justin Case | John Alexander | Deep Roy | Emma Ridley | Sophie Ward | Fiona Victory | Pons Maar | Rachel Ashton | Robbie Barnett | Ailsa Berk | Peter Elliott | Roger Ennals | Michele Hine | Mark Hopkins | Colin Skeaping | Ken Stevens | Philip Tan | Rob Thirtle | Bruce Boa | Tansy | Jon Jacobs | Barrie Holland | Kevin Hudson | Cherie Hawkins | Guy Standeven | Andy Bradford | Gareth Milne | Stuart Fell | Tip Tipping

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/16/2013Movie ScreenFilmTheater4 stars

Viewing Notes

Seeing this movie for the first time in what must be 15 years, it still shocks me that this was aimed squarely at children. Sure, some of the moments I remember as being quite scary as a kid are punctuated by silliness (much of it being derived via quips from the sidekick chicken, a character that should exist in more movies), but that doesn’t change the face that those moments are REALLY FREAKING SCARY. What I don’t remember from my childhood was that The Scarecrow is the most terrifying character of them all with his dead eyes and shit-eating grin.

Once you get past all that, though, this movie contains amazing amounts of imagination and employs so many great special effects techniques one can’t help but marvel at and wish for a return to a time when kid’s movies weren’t completely computer generated.  It’s got to be said, too, that kid’s movies really had some balls back in the day. They almost electrotherapy Fairuza Balk’s brain into mush for crying out loud!


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