
Voyage of the Rock Aliens (1984)

Directed by James Fargo

Comedy | Science Fiction | Musical

Most recently watched by noahphex, sleestakk, lolareels


Aliens land in the mythical town of “Speelburgh, U.S.A” searching for the source of rock & roll. What they find is a gang of teenagers, led by Dee Dee and Frankie, along with Frankie’s posse/rock band, the Pack. The leader of the aliens takes a shine to Dee Dee and all sorts of trouble breaks out.

Rated PG | Length 97 minutes


Pia Zadora | Craig Sheffer | Ruth Gordon | Tom Nolan | Michael Berryman | Alison La Placa | Gregory Bond | Craig Quiter | Patrick Byrnes | Marc Jackson | Jeffrey Casey | Jimmy Haddox | Marshall Rohner | Jeffrey Cranford | Troy Mack | Peter Stelzer | Wallace Merck | Spyder Mittleman | G. Kelly Moore | Pete Munro | Herschel Rice | Ralph Pace | Madonna Christian | Rudy Goldschmidt | Kenneth Livingston Taylor | Dennon Rawles | Michael Rooney | Richard Sullivant | Jac McAnelly | Mert Hatfield | Tip Ramsey | Brad Sergi | Johnny Watson Jr. | Mike Ketchel | Peter Cullen | M.G. Kelly | Jermaine Jackson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/29/2013TVVHSOwned4 stars

Viewing Notes

I have vendetta against Pia Zadora and her penchant for tearing down chunks of Hollywood history. However, she and everything else about this movie is just so damn likable I temporarily forgot about that and completely succumbed to the awesome insanity on display here.

(This is part of a project to track down and watch all of the movies mentioned on the Drafthouse Films TRAILER WAR disc. The full list is here: )


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