
Mike's Murder (1984)

Directed by James Bridges

Thriller | Drama | Mystery

Most recently watched by lolareels, noahphex


Betty has a crush on her tennis instructor Mike. He promises to call her for a date, but never does – she doesn’t know he sells drugs on the side. After botching a deal on someone else’s turf, Mike has to disappear for a while. He contacts Betty – then he’s killed before they can meet. Betty tries to find out what happened, leading her straight into a hornet’s nest of vice.

Rated R | Length 109 minutes


Debra Winger | Mark Keyloun | Darrell Larson | Brooke Alderson | Paul Winfield | Robert Crosson | Dan Shor | William Ostrander | April Ferry

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/30/2013TVDVDOwned4 stars

Viewing Notes

Debra Winger shines in this ‘80s neo-noir that is more even than un. One of the many discoveries to come out of Warner Archive.


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