Movies logged featuring Jean-Luc GodardFar from Vietnam | Jean-Luc Godard, Agnès Varda, Chris Marker, Alain Resnais, Claude Lelouch, William Klein, Joris Ivens | 1967 | No | N/A |
Dinosaur and the Baby, The | André S. Labarthe | 1967 | No | N/A |
Civilisation: L'homme et les images | Georges Gaudu | 1967 | No | N/A |
2 or 3 Things I Know About Her | Jean-Luc Godard | 1967 | No | N/A |
Zoom: Jean-Luc Godard, 1966 | | 1966 | No | N/A |
Un metteur en ordre: Robert Bresson | Roland Jarbois | 1966 | No | N/A |
Defector, The | Raoul Lévy | 1966 | No | N/A |
Carl Th. Dreyer | Jørgen Roos | 1966 | No | N/A |
Panorama: Jean-Paul Belmondo, 1965 | | 1965 | No | N/A |
Cinema According to Jean-Luc | Jacques Doniol-Valcroze | 1965 | No | N/A |