
Alien Outpost (2014)

Directed by Jabbar Raisani

Action | Science Fiction | Thriller


A documentary crew follows an elite unit of soldiers in the wake of an alien invasion.

Rated NC-17 | Length 93 minutes


Joe Reegan | Matthew Holmes | Rick Ravanello | Douglas Tait | Adrian Paul | Andy Davoli | Brandon Auret | Nic Rasenti | Darron Meyer | Scott E. Miller | Reiley McClendon | Sven Ruygrok | Kenneth Fok | Craig Macrae | Lemogang Tsipa | Khalil Kathrada | Justin Munitz | Tapiwa Musvosvi | Tyrel Meyer | Stevel Marc | Guido Baechler | Michael Dube | Justin Strydom | Jordan Shade | Rafiq Jajbhay

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/14/2015TVBlu-rayOwned3.5 stars


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