
An Adventure in Space and Time (2013)

Directed by Terry McDonough

Drama | Biography


Actor William Hartnell felt trapped by a succession of hard-man roles while wannabe producer Verity Lambert was frustrated by the TV industry’s glass ceiling. Both of them were to find unlikely hope and unexpected challenges in the form of a Saturday tea-time drama. Allied with a team of unusual but brilliant people, they went on to create the longest running science fiction series ever made.

Rated PG | Length 83 minutes


David Bradley | Jessica Raine | Sacha Dhawan | Brian Cox | Lesley Manville | Jeff Rawle | Claudia Grant | Jemma Powell | Jamie Glover | Reece Shearsmith | Nicholas Briggs | Carole Ann Ford | Edmund C Short | Joseph Railton | Andrew Woodall | Ian Hallard | David Annen | Sam Hoare | Sarah Winter | Reece Pockney | Mark Eden | William Russell | Toby Hadoke | Cara Jenkins | Anna-Lisa Drew | Sophie Holt | Robin Varley | Ellie Spicer | Kit Connor | Matt Smith | William Hartnell

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/21/2014TVBlu-rayOwned4 stars


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