
Sand Sharks (2011)

Directed by Mark Atkins

Comedy | Horror

Most recently watched by elisabethwithns, vivalaserdisc


Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the beach, it appears that our large fishy friends have found a way to chomp on you when you’re chilling out on the sand too!

Rated R | Length 87 minutes


Corin Nemec | Brooke Hogan | Vanessa Evigan | Eric Scott Woods | Gina Holden | Hilary Cruz | Edgar Allan Poe IV | Robert Pike Daniel | Delpaneaux Wills | Julie Berman | Andrea Pineda | Nicole Zeoli | Christina Corigliano | ViDonna Michaels | Alena Savostikova | Andrea Lowell

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/10/2015Movie ScreenDigitalTheater4 stars


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