
The Art of Dying (1991)

Directed by Wings Hauser


Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak, noahphex


A cinematographer and his assistant are attracting aspiring young actors and actresses by getting them to try out for their movie. Once filming, the evil cameraman actually kills them. The detective on the case has his hands full trying to help out runaways with stars in their eyes. When some of the people he knows turn up dead, he takes it personally, and as he gets closer to the truth his girlfriend is endangered.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Wings Hauser | Kathleen Kinmont | Gary Werntz | Mitch Hara | Sarah Douglas | Michael J. Pollard | Sydney Lassick | Angela Rae | T.C. Warner | Jean Levine | Henry Brown | Tony Longo | Pamela Dixon | Ona Zee | Mary Bond Davis | Michael Easton | Bill Frenzer | Chuck Lacey | Jorge Alvarez | Daniel L. Cascio | Michael Deza | Maria Merrifield | Scott Lowy | Roger Hewlett | Joseph Merhi | Frank Wiegers | Kurt Kelly Feschuk | Jamilah Johnson | Gloria Alter | Jesse Sperling | Vanessa Sperling | Alan Schwartz

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/15/2012N/AN/AN/A3 stars


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