
Movies by Tag

Javitron has logged 258 movies that were tagged with “new movie 2013.”

Movies tagged with “new movie 2013”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Witching & BitchingÁlex de la Iglesia201309/20/2013
Withnail & IBruce Robinson198708/17/2013
Wolf Man, TheGeorge Waggner194110/06/2013
Wolf of Wall Street, TheMartin Scorsese201312/25/2013
World War ZMarc Forster201306/23/2013
You InsteadDavid Mackenzie201108/11/2013
You're NextAdam Wingard201308/21/2013
[REC]³ GenesisPaco Plaza201203/15/2013