
Movies by Tag

Javitron has logged 20 movies that were tagged with “new movie march 2013.”

Movies tagged with “new movie march 2013”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
[REC]³ GenesisPaco Plaza201203/15/2013
Trash HumpersHarmony Korine201003/30/2013
StokerPark Chan-wook201303/27/2013
Step Up RevolutionScott Speer201203/15/2013
Spring BreakersHarmony Korine201303/23/2013
Son of GodzillaJun Fukuda196703/26/2013
Side by SideChristopher Kenneally201203/29/2013
Revenant, TheD. Kerry Prior200903/12/2013
Raven, TheJames McTeigue201203/17/2013
Oz the Great and PowerfulSam Raimi201303/08/2013