Movies logged featuring Peter CoyoteLegend of Billie Jean, The | Matthew Robbins | 1985 | Yes | 08/29/2015 |
History of Sex, The | Melissa Jo Peltier, Mark Hufnail, Jim Milio | 1999 | No | N/A |
Reality of Truth, The | Laurent Lévy, Mike Zapolin | 2016 | No | N/A |
Woody Guthrie: Ain't Got No Home | Peter Frumkin | 2006 | No | N/A |
Beatles, Hippies & Hells Angels: Inside the Crazy World of Apple, The | Ben Lewis | 2017 | No | N/A |
Wednesday Woman, The | Christopher Leitch | 2000 | No | N/A |
Spielberg | Susan Lacy | 2017 | No | N/A |
Polanski y los ojos del mal | Jorge Ortiz de Landázuri Yzarduy | 2002 | No | N/A |
National Parks: America's Best Idea, The | Ken Burns | 2009 | No | N/A |
Huxley on Huxley | Mary Ann Braubach | 2009 | No | N/A |